When Jeffery Dampier won the $20 million jackpot in 1996, he could never have imagined that he would eventually meet his end at the hands of his own brother. The happily married man who started his new millionaire life off by moving his family and parents to Florida set up a successful gourmet popcorn company. Life was off to a grand start and even shared his riches with family and friends when he bought them cars, houses, and even Caribbean cruises.
Jeffery's generosity knew no limits, a statement proved true when he paid for his sister-in-law, Victoria Jackson, and her boyfriend's, Nathaniel, apartment.
On 26 July 2005, Victoria called him to Nathaniel's apartment where the couple tied Jeffery's hands together using shoelaces. Once restrained, Nathaniel forced him into his van at gunpoint, according to the prosecutor. This would be Jeffery's final destination as Nathaniel would meet his fate at the end of the barrel.
However, he did not die at the hands of Nathaniel but by the hands of Victoria. Nathaniel testified that he had not told her that it was their plan to shoot him. Sadly, Jeffery died of a gunshot wound to the head and never made it to the second location.
Victoria and Nathaniel were both charged with the murder of Jeffery Dampier and were each sentenced to a life term in prison. Further questioning during the trial revealed that their motives may not have been quite as simple as money. Victoria and her sister, Terri, claimed that Jeffery pursued a sexual relationship with his sister-in-law when he was 32 and she was just 15-years-old. The claim was never corroborated or proven to be true.